Cats: The Facts You May Not Know About Your Furry Friends


Cats are one of the most popular and beloved pets in the world, with over 600 million domestic cats living in households and communities across the globe. They are also one of the most fascinating and mysterious animals, with a rich history and culture that spans thousands of years. Cats have been worshipped, feared, admired, and adored by humans for centuries, and they have influenced art, literature, religion, and science in various ways.

But how much do you really know about cats? Do you know why they purr, sweat, meow, or sleep so much? Do you know how they see, hear, smell, or taste? Do you know what makes them unique among other animals? In this blog post, we will reveal some of the facts about cats that many people don’t know about. We will also share some sources where you can learn more about these amazing creatures.

Cats sweat through their paws

Unlike humans and dogs, who sweat through their skin and tongue respectively, cats sweat through their paws. This is because cats have very few sweat glands on their body, and most of them are located on their paw pads. Cats use their paws to regulate their body temperature and cool themselves down when they are hot or stressed. You may notice wet paw prints on the floor or furniture when your cat is sweating. However, sweating is not the only way cats cope with heat. They also pant, groom themselves, seek shade, drink water, and spread out their body to release excess heat.

Cats navigate using the sunlight

Cats have an amazing sense of direction that allows them to find their way home even after traveling long distances. One of the factors that helps them do this is the sunlight. Cats have a special ability to detect the angle and position of the sun in the sky, which helps them orient themselves and determine the direction they need to go. This ability is called a “sun compass” and it is similar to what some birds and insects use to navigate. Cats also use other cues such as landmarks, smells, sounds, and magnetic fields to find their way.

Cats are unable to taste sweet flavors

Cats have a very different sense of taste than humans. They have fewer taste buds on their tongue (about 470 compared to 10,000 in humans) and they lack the gene that codes for the sweet taste receptor. This means that cats cannot detect or enjoy sweet flavors at all. Scientists believe that this is because cats are obligate carnivores, meaning that they need meat to survive and thrive, and they have no nutritional need for carbohydrates or sugars. However, some cats may still show interest in sweet foods such as fruits or ice cream, but this is probably due to other factors such as texture, smell, or curiosity .

Cats dream

Cats sleep for about 15 hours a day on average, and during that time they experience different stages of sleep just like humans. One of these stages is called rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which is when dreaming occurs. Cats enter REM sleep every 25 minutes or so, and during this time they may twitch their whiskers, ears, paws, or tail. They may also make noises such as chirping, meowing, or snoring. These are signs that your cat is dreaming, and they may be dreaming about things that they have seen or done during the day, such as hunting, playing, or exploring .

Cats only meow for humans

Cats are very vocal animals, and they can make over 100 different sounds. However, one of the most common sounds that cats make is the meow, and surprisingly, they only use it to communicate with humans, not with other cats. Cats learn to meow when they are kittens, and they use it to get attention from their mother. As they grow up, they continue to use it to get attention from their human owners, such as asking for food, affection, or playtime. Cats can also vary their meows depending on what they want or how they feel, and some owners can even understand what their cat is saying by the tone, pitch, or length of their meow .


Cats are wonderful pets that can bring joy and companionship to your life. They are also incredible animals that have many secrets and mysteries that you may not know about. We hope this blog post has helped you learn more about cats and appreciate them even more. If you want to know more facts about cats, you can check out these sources:

Thank you for reading this blog post and we hope you enjoy your time with your furry friends!

welcome to stay safe stay healthy

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